
NameNumber Next ReviewForms
Policy Development Process 1000 January 1, 2027

Intent to Review Policy

Policy Template (as per policy 1000)

Policy Procedures Template (as per policy 1000)

Territorial Acknowledgement 1100 September 1, 2022

Guidance on employee email signatures:

Fund Development Activities Donations and Sponsorships 2000 June 29, 2014
Development and Approval of a Fund-Raising Campaign 2010 February 17, 2016

Forms are available from the Communications and Development Office

External Grants and Awards 2100 July 6, 2013
Board Entrance Awards 2400 January 1, 2021

Board of Governor's Entrance Scholarship Committee Terms of Reference

Media Relations 2500 June 24, 2016
Publications and Promotional Materials 2501 September 3, 2014
Web Management 2502 September 17, 2014
Social Media 2505 April 1, 2021
Humanitarian Awards 3210 February 1, 2019

Please note this form is fillable

Humanitarian Award Application Form

Accessibility Services for Students with Specific Disabilities 3300 June 1, 2020
Student Code of Conduct-Rights and Responsibilities 3400 April 1, 2022
Facilities and Equipment Leases 4100 April 4, 2018
Workspace Allocation 4105 October 1, 2022

4105 Workspace Allocation Procedures

Facility Use 4110 October 1, 2014

Available from Campus Managers or Extension Centre Coordinators.

Use of Staff Lounge Castlegar Campus 4120 June 20, 2016
Use of Gymnasium Facilities Castlegar Campus 4130 May 16, 2016
Facilities Access - After Hours and Weekends 4140 January 2, 2018
Gathering Place Usage 4150 January 2, 2018
Animals on Campus 4160 May 1, 2021
Mir Centre Usuage 4170 January 2, 2018
Shambhala Music Hall Usage 4180 January 2, 2018
Responsible Use of College Facilities and Equipment 4200 September 1, 2008
Environmental Sustainability 4300 January 1, 2020

Policy 4300 Environmental Sustainability - Energy Conservation Procedures

Policy 4300 Environmental Sustainability - Fair Trade Procedures

Policy 4300 Environmental Sustainability - Idling Procedures

Policy 4300 Environmental Sustainability - Paper Usage Procedures

Serving and Consumption of Alcohol 4310 January 19, 2017
Employee Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest 6000 January 2, 2020

Post-employment restrictions for senior management can be found in the most current version of the Administrative Staff Employment and Benefit Program.

This program can be found at Administrative Staff Employment and Benefit Program 2019-2022

Responsible Use of College Digital Communication Tools 6005 October 1, 2023
Human Rights, Harassment, & Discrimination 6010 May 1, 2021
Accommodation 6015 September 13, 2024

Accommodation Plan form

Request for Workplace Accommodation form

Scent Safe Campus 6020 February 1, 2023
Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response 6030 July 1, 2027
Investigation 6035 April 1, 2024
Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity 6040 June 1, 2023
Public Interest Disclosure 6050 June 1, 2027

6050 Public Interest Disclosure Procedures

Public Interest Disclosure Form

Employee Relocation 6120 January 1, 2023

Family Care Expenses for Staff Serving on College Committees 6160 May 1, 2024
No Smoking and Vaping 6330 March 1, 2027
Prevention of Violence in the Workplace 6400 May 1, 2022
Working Alone or In Isolation 6410 May 1, 2022
Occupational Health and Safety 6420 September 13, 2025
Specialized Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 6440 April 1, 2023
Selkirk College Emergency Notification System 6450 April 1, 2022
Employee Evaluation 6520 March 1, 2027
Illegal Work Stoppage(s) 6530 May 1, 2023
Selection Committees 6540 March 1, 2021

Policy 6540 Selection Committees Procedures

Protection of Privacy 6550 April 1, 2023
Employment of Relatives 6560 March 1, 2027
Library Services 7000 January 1, 2010
Use of College Equipment 7101 March 1, 2009
Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources 7110 May 27, 2027
Instructor Qualifications 8000 October 20, 2009
Academic Programs 8101 August 1, 2029

Forms are required for all agenda item requests. You can find the forms here

Credential, Recognition, and Credit Standards 8102 August 1, 2028
Program Advisory Committee 8110 April 1, 2025

Policy 8110 Program Advisory Committee Procedures

Academic Freedom 8150 September 1, 2026
Distributed Learning 8200 April 1, 2014
Semester Scheduling 8330 March 17, 2015
Educational Field Trips 8350 June 25, 2008
Education Abroad 8360 December 1, 2018

Education Abroad Guidelines and Procedures

Education Abroad Appendix Forms

Selkirk College Co-operative Education 8370 January 1, 2028

Policy 8370 Selkirk College Co-operative Education Procedures

Student Appeals 8400 May 1, 2025
Educational Partnerships 8500 April 1, 2007
College Readiness Tool 8600 April 1, 2023
Admissions and Standards (A&S): Overview 8610 November 1, 2019
Admissions 8611 May 16, 2017
Grading 8612 September 1, 2023
Evaluation of Student Learning 8613 June 1, 2016
Advanced Standing - Course Challenge, PLA, Transfer Credit 8614 August 1, 2020


Procedure 8614 Advanced Standing - Course Challenge and PLA

Procedure 8614 Advanced Standing - Transfer Credit (Fillable Form)

Standards of Academic Progress 8615 April 9, 2018
Student Withdrawal and Refunds 8616 January 1, 2026
Credentials and Graduation 8617 August 1, 2019
Cheating and Plagiarism 8618 August 1, 2020
Student Probation 8619 May 1, 2019
Interdisciplinary Studies 8620 June 1, 2020

Policy 8620 ISD Student Education Plan form

Student Email 8630 May 5, 2014
Exemption from International Fees 8645 June 1, 2022
Administration of Applied Research and Innovation 8700 May 27, 2029

8700 Contract Procedures

8700 Grant Procedures

8700 Student Internship Procedures

Care and Use of Animals in Research and Teaching 8701 February 1, 2023
Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans 8705 November 2, 2027

Policy 8705 Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans Procedures

Integrity in Research 8710 September 9, 2011
Selkirk Management of Surveys 8720 January 1, 2025
Use of Copyright Materials 8810 March 21, 2015
Intellectual Property 8815 November 2, 2027

Policy 8815 Intellectual Property Procedures

Policy 8815 Primer for Intellectual Property in Applied Research

Honorary Diplomas and Distinguished Educators Awards 8900 September 1, 2018
Signing Authority 9000 January 1, 2026

Policy 9000 Signing Authority Procedures 2023

Signing Authority Schedules

Contracts 9050 January 1, 2022
Contract and other Self-Funding Activities 9100 January 1, 2022
Acquisition of Goods and Services 9200 January 1, 2026
Major Contract Awarding Process 9210 June 13, 2014
Computer and Active Transportation Assistance Plan 9300 May 1, 2023
Travel - Reimbursement for College Business Expenses 9400 June 1, 2016


Budget Administration 9500 November 1, 2016
Mobile Phone Issuance, Usage and Reimbursement 9610 June 16, 2020

Policy 9610 Mobile Phone Issuance, Usage and Reimbursement Application form

Destruction of Financial Records 9700 February 1, 2016
College Vehicles 9800 February 2, 2011
President's Role, Responsibility, Authority BPR10 February 15, 2027
Delegation to the President BPR20 February 15, 2027
Communication and Counsel to the Board BPR30 February 15, 2027
Evaluation of the President BPR40 February 15, 2027
President Compensation Review BPR50 February 15, 2027
Compensation and Benefits BPR60 February 15, 2027
President’s Selection and Succession BPR70 February 15, 2027
Digital Arts
Digital Fabrication and Design
Mission E10 November 15, 2024
Vision E20 November 15, 2024
Value Statements and Commitments E30 November 15, 2024
Strategic Directions E40 November 15, 2024
Territorial Acknowledgement E60 November 15, 2024
Treating People EL10 November 15, 2025
Applied Research EL100 November 15, 2025
Educational Field Trips, Study Abroad, Educational Partnerships EL110 November 15, 2025
Use of Selkirk College Facilities EL120 November 15, 2025
Public Image EL130 November 15, 2025
Naming of Facilities EL140 November 15, 2025
Budgeting and Forecasting EL20 November 15, 2025
Financial Condition EL30 November 15, 2025
Asset Protection EL40 November 15, 2025
Whistleblower Protection EL50 November 15, 2025
Admissions to Selkirk College EL60 November 15, 2025
Board of Governors Entrance Awards EL70 November 15, 2025
Contracts and Self-Funded Activities EL80 November 15, 2025
Employee Code of Conduct EL90 November 15, 2025
Governing Model and Style GP10 June 15, 2026
Board Members’ Code of Conduct GP100 June 15, 2026
Board Communications Policy GP110 June 15, 2026
College Risk Management GP120 June 15, 2026
Meetings of the Board GP130 June 15, 2026
Student Appeals to the Board GP140 June 15, 2026
Terms of Reference of Board Committees and Task Groups GP150 June 15, 2026
Board Orientation and Professional Development GP180 June 15, 2026
Recognition for Board Members GP190 June 15, 2026
Board Composition and Succession GP20 June 15, 2026
Selkirk Board By-laws GP200 February 15, 2027
Board of Governors Purpose, Roles, Responsibilities and Authority GP30 June 15, 2026
Board, Committee and Member Assessment GP80 June 15, 2026
Annual Board Planning Cycle GP90 June 15, 2026

GP 90 Annual Board Planning Cycle Procedure


Management of Privacy Breach 6555 October 1, 2023
Office Administration & Technology
Business Administration
Postgraduate Diploma Business Management
Postgraduate Diploma Accounting
Business Administration Advanced Diploma
International Business Certificate
Professional Cook Training
Culinary Management
Postgraduate Diploma in Culinary Management
Resort and Hotel Management
Postgraduate Diploma Hospitality Management
Ski Resort Operations and Management
Carpentry Apprenticeship
Carpentry Foundation
Electrical Apprenticeship
Electrical Foundation
Fine Woodworking
Heavy Mechanical Foundation
Millwright/Machinist Foundation
Metal Fabricator Foundation
Plant Operator
University Arts and Sciences
Open Studies
First-Year Engineering Transfer
Music and Technology, Contemporary
Music and Technology, Contemporary - Advanced Diploma option
Environment and Geomatics
Geographic Information Systems
Textile Arts
Blacksmithing and Metal Art
Human Services
Early Learning and Childcare
Rural Pre-Medicine
Nursing Unit Clerk
Practical Nursing
Pharmacy Technician
Postgraduate Diploma in Gerontological Nursing
Health Care Assistant
Health Care Assistant Diploma
Mental Health and Addictions
Mental Health and Substance Use
English Language
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Academic Upgrading
Commercial Kitchen Assistant
Student Awards 8910 April 1, 2028
Steps to Opportunities, Academics, and Readiness
Web Development

There are 192 policies that match your request.